Launching Digital Platforms in Business-to- Business Markets One topic at European workshop on software ecosystems
The program of this year´s EWSECO on April 29 is exceptional. From key software ecosystem researchers like Slinger Jansen to key companies like Schwarz, Tricentis, ORY or CloudBlue.
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Maximilian Schreieck et al. will talk about groundbreaking research in the digital platform space.
Digital platforms are amongst the fastest growing businesses today. While the developments have mainly taken place in the business-to-consumer markets, recent years have seen successful digital platforms in business-to-business markets (e.g., Salesforce, ServiceNow). However, there are also many companies that struggle to launch digital platforms. In this presentation, we report from an in-depth study of a business-to-business platform launched in the insurance and healthcare industry. We uncover launch challenges that we expected based on literature on business-to-consumer platforms as well as launch challenges unique to business-to-business markets. Disentangling and discussing these challenges helps other companies to design their platform strategies.
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