Call for papers for EWSECO 2016

The call for papers for the European workshop on software ecosystems has been published. 

Workshop goals

The workshop is chartered  to cover the topics like

  • Software  ecosystems
  • Business networks
  • Platform business Models
  • growth strategies based on software  ecosystems and business networks

Half of the audience of the workshop  is usually professionals, the other half is usually researchers. This ensures that research ideas and results can be mirrored and used by practitioners. 

Workshop style

Socialize and discuss with researchers and fellow professionals.
We value discussion as well as presentations. So a short, 15 minute presentation is followed by 15 min discussion with fellow researchers and practitioners.
The workshop will be held in English language only.


Propose your presentation titles via email (title and abstract) to

Submission deadline is October 16th 2016 6pm CET.


Proceedings contain title, abstract and slides of the presentations given at the workshop. See examples of proceedings below.



Proceedings to be published soon

With over 40 people at the workshop on software ecosystems, interesting presentations and discussions as well as a panel, this year´s workshop was the longest and largest ever. Serving guests fromThe Netherlands, Finland, Denmark and Germany we had energetic discussions of presentations and nice conversations during breaks.

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive.

We know there are lots of people out there who are interested and who would have loved to come to the workshop. Rest assured that you will get the content of the workshop in the proceedings. They are being created right now and will be published in Q1 2016 with the ISBN 9783739218328.

German Management Consulting continues to sponsor EWSECO

German Management Consulting continues their sponsoring engagement with the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2015.

After their major sponsorship last year, German Management Consulting continues to foster the Software Ecosystem community by sponsoring this workshop.

The program committee is proud of this continuous investment into the workshop. Key managers of German Management Consulting will be present at the workshop, too.

Find more information on German Management Consulting here:

The workshop will start this Wednesday

The European workshop on software ecosystems will start Wednesday, November 25, 2015 with check-in at 8.30 am in the PartnerPort in Walldorf, home to 100 IT and software companies.

With a planned record attendance of about 40 people this workshop is the biggest in four years.

Not only do we have a singular selection of relevant researchers at the conference from numerous universities in Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany; we also have practitioners from companies like CMS Hasche Sigle, Corum, hybris, imarum, IMC, Jedox, Mobisys, Netfira, Sage, SAP, Siemens, Synomic and Telekom Innovation Laboratories.

This mix of skills and experiences enables us to have lively and fruitful discussions. Given the agenda of the workshop, there will be many opportunities to discuss, not only on the topic of the presented content, but also informally.

If you are interested, you can still REGISTER for the workshop. We would love to have you as a member of our community.

Please watch the hashtag #EWSECO15 for social updates on this event.

fluid Operations AG continues to sponsor the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems

Fluid Operations AG has signed up to be logo sponsor on the website of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2015. The program committee is happy that fluid Operations AG did continue to sponsor the workshop since 2012.

With the fluid Operations semantic integration platform and innovative apps, fluid Operations simplifies the way you use and deliver information throughout your organization.

The workshop will be well attended

This year´s workshop will host over 30 participants. This is a new high score in attendance for the European workshop on software ecosystems.

We now have enough gravity to provide participants, sponsors, presenters with the proper environment for learning, interacting and making this event successful.

If you have not registered yet: the best time to register is now. visit our registration page for more information.

The program will be announced soon

The program committee has decided about the presentations that will be part of the workshop. The job was not easy, since we had many interesting submissions.

As promised, EWSECO will be bigger than 2014. As a full day event, EWSECO will have space for eight presentations, two sponsor keynotes and a panel, more coffee breaks and more participants.

So stay tuned for our program page to be published soon.